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DWI / DUI Defense Attorney Serving Houston

Arrested for DWI?

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in the state of Texas is deemed to have occurred if you blood alcohol level is over .08%.  If you are stopped and arrested for drunk driving, you can expect to have to retain the services of a qualified DWI defense attorney to represent you in order to possibly avoid suspension of your driving privileges and conviction.  The penalties for DWI can be quite severe, including fines, penalties, license suspension and even jail time.  With the help of an experienced lawyer who understands the Texas DWI laws, Attorney Richard H. Cobb can act on your behalf and present the best possible case for you.

The Law Office of Richard H. Cobb is a small but reputable and focused law firm working to protect the rights of our clients.  With over 30 years experience in the Southwest/West Houston areas, including Memorial West and Katy, Attorney Cobb has successfully defended his clients for any drunk driving infractions and arrests.  It is our belief that you always have a chance of overcoming the charges and our legal team will do our best to attempt to have the charges lowered or dismissed altogether.  There is every opportunity to challenge any evidence against you and attempting to avoid your license suspension or a conviction.  Law enforcement officers are required to follow strict guidelines during arrest and testing for DWI, and if any were not followed exactly, you always have a chance to beat the charges.

Reliable and Effective DUI Defense Lawyer

Most people don't know what to do when first arrested for DWI.  Your best option is to immediately contact a defense lawyer to assist with your defense.  Our office understands you may be nervous and frightened over the prospects of facing your charges, but with the help of our legal staff, we will keep you informed every step of the way.   

Don't put off retaining an experienced DUI Defense Lawyer to assist with your drunk driving charges.  Call the Law Office of Richard H. Cobb right away!