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Small Estate Wills

Houston Estate Wills Attorney

Do you need a Will?

Many people don't realize the importance of preparing a Will when it comes to Estate Planning.  Most think a Will is only important for wealthy individuals.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Any individual who has any type of asset should prepare a will so that at the time of their death their wishes as to how the property should be divided are followed.  A Will is a legal document that anyone over the age of 18 may create for the purposes of deeding their belongings to their chosen beneficiaries.  When creating a will, it is not always necessary to have an estate attorney, but it is highly recommended.  As a legal document, any errors in the method in which it was prepared or executed can make it invalid.  It is also important to be aware of any earlier wills, and make known which the latest draft that needs to be followed is.  The main purposes of a Will include the following:

  • Designate a trust as needed and applicable;
  • Designate who receives certain assets and in what percentage;
  • Nominate a guardian if applicable;
  • Help settle disputes through probate court;
  • Direct how debts, taxes and expenses are to be paid.

Sometimes planning ahead of time can ease the burdens of those loved ones left behind.  Not having to worry about how certain assets will be divided, or planning for estate taxes and other ramifications of transfer of property upon death will greatly assist your family upon your death.

Compassionate and Reliable Estate Planning Lawyer

With over 30 years experience assisting our clients in Southwest/West Houston, as well as Memorial West and Katy, the Law Office of Richard H. Cobb is ready to serve you with individual attention and personal care.  Attorney Cobb is dedicated to providing you with trusted legal representation in creating a sound and thorough estate plan and will for your particular needs.

To find out more about creating your last will and testament, contact the Law Office of Richard H. Cobb.